Artist, Paul DiPasqua relaxing in his Studio 

Fred Babb
(The Man with the Midas touch)

10  Punk Ceramics: "Crocks o' Crap"
        Since the late sixties the West Coast ceramic art movement known as 
        "Funk" has been on the throne. Well Funk, it is time wipe your ass and to get of 
        the pot, there's a new turd in town.

20  Gallery Response Sheet
        Artists tired of being lied to by galleries?  Galleries, tired of  letting down crappy 
        artists? Free yourself from the drudgery of rejection. Try the Gallery Response 

30  Immaculate Rejection
       When a few terse sentences will simply not do. Don't become another martyr enter 
       into gallery sainthood. Leave your standard form letters behind and behold the 
       Immaculate Rejection. (brought to you  by Paulmark)

40  Universal Artist Statement
       The Holy Babel - by Fred Babb
       Artists, if you are stumped on writing that quintessential "Artist Statement" this 
       eloquent and concise statement can be very helpful to all of you with writers block.

60  Gag Pricing 
       Follow these 10 easy steps and you too can be a successful artist.

Artnudzz- the Emperor Has No Clothes is a monthly on-line art and entertainment magazine published by the Bohica Publishing Group. Copyright 1998

The  articles and advertisements expressed herein are that solely  of our contributors. (of course if we thought they were completely  full of crap we wouldn't print them )

The artwork and artists are real ,as is our directory. You may contact the artist directly or email with any questions about them or our publication.

Sales of artwork are conducted directly with artist or their representative and Artnudzz has nothing to do with that bullshit because the artist are by enlarge are dirty sluts who have sold out to the military industrial complex. However ,we cant really blame them and before buying a flipping poster or some other useless chotsky”  you should collect “their ‘work  deep (buy as many  pieces as possible) so they can feed their crack hab... I mean children and so they can get money to make new stuff.

Artnudzz will accept rubmissions (Nudzzspeak for submissions) for articles, reviews, show announcements, advertisements (if legitimate) ,letters to the headitor. All materials submitted must be no more than two pages in length, images no more than 315 pixels in height (jpeg only)
Please do not send entire portfolio. We will request one if necessary.

All articles published are done so at the discretion of Artnudzz. If you see your stuff published we liked it. If not ...get over it . We will not contact you unless we want to but include your email address so we can.

All materials rubmitted to Artnudzz will be the physical and  intellectual property  of the rubmittee however we acknowledge (we'd like you too) the fact that you since you sent it to us to be considered for publication  we have your permission to do so, so... If we do, ()publish it that is) we don't  expect any crap from you about it later. Oh yeah, by the way, you did it for free. You get no money, no clams, no free T shirt. (well, not yet anyway)

Send RUBMISSIONS to Please include Email Address  and location. We were just kidding we will let you know (most of the time) that we got your stuff.

Bohica Publishing Group -    Publisher

Ogelthorpe Brown- Editor in Chief

Alika Brown -Nice Ass. Editor

Fredrico Babal - Editor whose Large

Anthony Pigmypolis -art director/technical director

Akila Pigmypollis -Account rep

"In search of the Holy Grail"